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What are your delivery times?

All of our products are made to order, which makes our delivery times a bit longer than normal.

Depending on where you are located it can take anything from 1-3 weeks.

How much will shipping cost?

It varies on your location & what products you are buying. We ship from both eu & the us. Your shipping cost will be displayed at checkout.

Can you provide worldwide shipping?

We ship worldwide. However, custom cost etc is up to you as a buyer to look into depending on where you are located.

Customs and/or other additional cost that may occur is the buyers responsibility.

My Order

Can I return the product?

Since every product is made to order, we do not offer returns. We are trying to limit waste and overproduction.

Do you offer exchanges for faulty items?

If a product has arrived damaged or flawed due to a manufacturing error, we offer a refund (or free replacement, including shipping) of the damaged item. 

Contact us within 30 days of the damaged product delivery and we will help you out.


How are the sizes?

All products are unisex and in regular sizes.

How do I care for my product?

We always recommend to airdry the products after washing, scandinavian style. Good for longetivity in your clothes no matter where you buy them from.
